While leader talking to a Black leadership coach while two employees look on.

For equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) initiatives to create any sustainable and long-term impact, leadership teams need to understand where they are starting from (measurement data), why creating change is important in the first place (training and coaching), and how to take the next steps forward (strategic planning support). Our EDI Executive Team Supports offer two different packages to meet the needs of your organization and to support leaders in guiding meaningful change.

EDI Keynote + Assessment (one 90-minute session)

Orient your EDI efforts and help your leadership team understand why equity is integral to long-term success with a keynote and assessment session led by an Anima Leadership expert. This package includes:

  • Keynote presentation: Introduction to EDI Systems Thinking;
  • Completion of Anima’s Deep Diversity® Leaders’ Snapshot audit;
  • Assessment of your Deep Diversity® Leaders’ Snapshot results; and
  • An overview of next steps.

EDI Keynote + Assessment + Team Coaching (three 90-minute sessions)

Use Anima Leadership’s experience and knowledge to guide your EDI strategy. Move from an initial orientation and assessment session into next steps to prepare your executive team for your organization’s unique EDI needs. This package includes everything from the EDI Keynote + Assessment package, plus two additional leadership coaching sessions including:

  • EDI content customized to your unique leadership context;
  • Expert support for specific EDI challenges in your organization;
  • Planning focused on comprehensive strengths, gaps and next steps forward; and
  • Sector-specific tools and strategies.

These three sessions can be spaced to fit your schedule within a one-year period. Additional sessions can be purchased upon request.

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