Authentic Facilitation – Assessment

Attendance ConfirmationAssessmentThe assessment has 20 questions. To receive the badge for the Authentic Facilitation online course, you must answer 75% of the questions correctly. You can redo the assessment up to a total of three times.

Authentic Facilitation Module 2 – Tips, Techniques and Trying

This module explores best practices to setting up a group container in the areas of logistics, content and process.  We will also be practicing facilitating a small group session online.Watch This: PreparationRead This: HandoutsModule 2 Facilitation PracticeModule 2 Anchoring PracticeRead This: SlidesSlidesWatch This: Webinar Two Video Module 2 Recording

Authentic Facilitation Module 3 – Triggers and Self-Management

In this module we will look at noticing what is happening within ourselves so we can manage it. We will identify our triggers and practice responding without reacting.Watch This: PreparationRead This: HandoutsPresentation SlidesLink Watch This: Webinar video Module 3 Recording

Authentic Facilitation Module 4 – Naming and Framing

How we step into tense or challenging moments in a group is where the real art of facilitation sits. This module covers conflict effectiveness skills at individual, interpersonal and group levels and introduces a basic facilitator move to use when faced with conflictual moments.Watch This: PreparationHandoutsSlidesWebinar Video

Authentic Facilitation Module 1 – Reading the Room

In this module we will explore the heart of facilitation as emotional intelligence skills of self-awareness and empathy, and step in to a practice of reading what is happening in the field at both informational and feeling levels.Watch This: PreparationRead This: HandoutsWebinar SlidesWebinar Recording

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