Episode 20: Inclusive Leadership for Polarizing Times

Join Anima Leadership co-founder Shakil Choudhury in conversation with educator, therapist, facilitator and author Dawn Menken.

If there’s one way to describe our current political landscape, it’s polarized. As both sides seem to pull further and further apart, how can we drive action across differences through inclusive leadership training? How can we create the connections and relationships we need to make change? And how can we empower bridge builders to lead us towards a more inclusive future?

Join Anima Leadership co-founder Shakil Choudhury in conversation with educator, therapist, facilitator and author Dawn Menken. Dawn has been working in the field of psychology and facilitator development for over 35 years and has written multiple books focused on improving social discourse and inspiring more meaningful civic engagement. Her latest book Facilitating a More Perfect Union: A Guide for Politicians and Leaders offers practical tips to anyone stepping into a leadership position, and has been read by politicians, government administration and other leaders from around the world.

This Café podcast is perfect for anyone looking to become a more inclusive leader, especially in situations where polarization is becoming more and more powerful. With more than 50 years of experience between them come and get ready to listen to a lively conversation about marginalization, connection, engagement and inclusion.

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