Typical DEI Programs rarely achieve lasting change…
Fear of getting it wrong
One-off efforts that don’t stick
Lack of data and vision to guide change
Focus on policy over relationships
Step-by-Step Guidance to Succeed with DEI Programs
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Join the thousands of organizations from around the world who have worked with Anima Leadership.
Texas State University


Toronto Blue Jays

Government of Canada

Medecins Sans Frontieres


City of Toronto

Government of Ontario

Goldblatt Partners

Cuna Mutual Group

Newfoundland Labrador

Metcalf Foundation

Canadian Mental Health Association

U.S. Department of the Interior

U.S. Department of the Interior
New York University

University of Wisconsin Credit Union

National Coalition of Girls’ Schools (NCGS)

Branksome Hall

Alberta Judges’ Association

Insight Meditation Society


Queen’s University


Toronto Dominion

Public Service Alliance of Canada

The United World Colleges (International)

Pink Triangle Press

The Advocates Society

Canadian Labour Congress

World Wildlife Fund Canada